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Art Museum, Museum Store & Trails Open Weekends Only 12-5PM.
Historic Buildings and Cafe Re-open April 15, 2015.

Shaker Journals Search Results

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Search hints: date format YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1861-06-01, add a space before or after a word if there are no results.

The journal search results are listed below organized by date.

1792-10-29 Simon Coopers house burnt. FM-1.7

1792-11-01 The house finished and moved into it the eighth. FM-1.7

1792-11-05 Began the blacksmiths shop. FM-1.7

1792-12-13 Began to raise the blacksmiths and shop and finished raizing it the 15th. FM-1.7

1792-12-19 Daniel Dow returns from Shirley. FM-1.7

1792-12-27 The North house moved. FM-1.7

1793-05-13 The blacksmiths began to work in their new shop and the barn was raised the 8th day of May. FM-1.7

1793-07-17 Began to move the barn. FM-1.7

1793-07-17 Sanford meeting house raised. FM-1.7

1793-09-24 Daniel Dow left the Chh and went to the South house to live. FM-1.7

1793-12-24 The horse stable was raised. FM-1.7

1794-01-17 Eleaser Rand and them that live in the meeting house set out for Canaan [return 2-20]. FM-1.7

1794-03-03 Daniel Dow went to live in the Chh again. The same day Daniel Burt, Nathan Turner and Aaron Williams come out of the Chh. FM-1.7

1794-03-24 John Robbins began to work in the tan yard. FM-1.7

1794-04-26 Nathan Turner went to the Chh again. FM-1.7